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Bridgeport Softball Team Partners with Florida's Clermont Elementary School During Spring Break Trip

Bridgeport Softball Team Partners with Florida's Clermont Elementary School During Spring Break Trip

Bridgeport, Conn. - University of Bridgeport softball team partnered with PFX Athletics to spend their spring break working with the underprivileged youth of Clermont Elementary School in Clermont, Florida teaching about the benefits of receiving good grades and working hard in school.

PFX Athletics is a non-profit organization focused on providing women the opportunity to play and succeed in the sport of softball; they set up softball tournaments, clinics, as well as, community service engagements.  PFX Athletics was founded by the legendary Dr. Dot Richardson.  Richardson was 6 years old when she dreamt of representing the USA in the Olympics, she joined a local group of kids and played baseball in the nearby park.  In 1996 Richardson had the chance to live her dream and represented the USA in the first ever Olympic softball games.  Feeling grateful for all she was able to accomplish, Richardson founded PFX Athletics to help other women follow and pursue their dreams.

PFX Athletics runs an 'Adopt-A-Team' program, where a college team is paired up with a school class in Florida's Lake County school district.  Upon hearing of this program UB's head softball coach, Stearns, jumped at the opportunity, "This is just not something we could pass up.  Our team loves interacting with young people, getting to do it while on spring break and give back to the community, it was a no-brainer".  Stearns' team was matched up with Mrs. Anderson's fourth grade class from Claremont Elementary School.

The bond between Mrs. Anderson's fourth grade class and UB's softball team began long before their Florida encounter, both groups made introductory videos of themselves and exchanged them, like pen pals.  Stearns said, "You felt an instant connection with those children as soon as you saw their faces, the girls felt attached before we even left Connecticut". Along with the video, Stearns sent down UB softball t-shirts for each student.

Upon arriving, the Purple Knights paired into small groups with the fourth graders.  The fourth graders asked questions about college sports and school, they even asked what the girls wanted to be when they grow up.  UB talked about what it means to be a college athlete, the advantages of being a college athlete, as well as, the hard work it takes to become a college athlete.  The day ended with pictures and a signed UB softball Mrs. Anderson has placed in her classroom.

Though this is the first time UB's softball team has done community service with PFX Athletics Stearns says it will not be the last, "This experience has had a lasting effect on our team.  It really taught the girls about what it means to be a role model, who looks up to them, and that they have the ability to have a positive impact on young lives".  The Purple Knights' softball team spends every spring break in Florida with PFX Athletics and plans to continue with their 'Adopt-A-Team' program.

Provided by the Bridgeport Sports Information.

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